Jurnal Penjaskesrek 2024-06-13T19:16:57+07:00 LPPM Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena Open Journal Systems <p>Penjaskesrek Journal (e-ISSN 2502-6879 and p-ISSN 2355-0058) is a periodical scientific publication dedicated to lecturers, students and educational observers to disseminate relevant studies, thinks and research results in sport science. Any visitor to this site can browse abstracts, read journal contents and download PDF files.</p> EVALUASI PEMBINAAN PRESTASI OLAHRAGA PETANQUE SUMATERA UTARA 2024-06-13T19:16:54+07:00 Eka Abdurrahman Nasuka Nasuka Sulaiman Sulaiman Hermawan Pamot Raharjo <p>Cabang Olahraga Petanque Sumatera Utara beberapa tahun terakhir dalam ajang nasional tidak mencapai prestasi maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengevaluasi <em>Antecendent</em> (latar belakang dan perencanaan program pembinaan), <em>Transaction</em> (perekrutan pelatih, perekrutan atlet, program latihan, sarana dan prasarana, pendanaan,&nbsp; koordinasi, dan kesejahteraan), <em>Outcomes</em> (keberhasilan/ prestasi) di olahraga petanque Sumatera Utara. Metode penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan model evaluasi <em>Countenence</em> dari Robert E. Stake. Subyek dalam penelitian ini adalah pengurus, pelatih dan atlet di olahraga petanque Sumatera Utara, Untuk memperoleh data dalam penelitian ini, digunakan tiga macam teknik pengumpul data yaitu: 1) Observasi, 2) wawancara, dan 3) Dokumentasi. Hasil : 1) <em>Antecendent</em> yaitu latar belakang dan perencanaan program pembinaan terstruktur oleh pihak pengurus 2) <em>Transaction</em> yaitu perekrutan pelatih/atlet memenuhi semua kriteria, program latihan disusun oleh pelatih dan pengurus, namun atlet belum mampu melaksanakan program latihan, Sarana dan prasarana terkendala dengan kerikil yang ada di lapangan mulai habis, pendanaan sangat baik untuk menunjang kebutuhan atlet dan pelatih, Koordinasi sangat baik antara pengurus dengan pemerintah, pelatih dan atletnya dan Kesejahteraan pelatih dan atlet sangat baik karena mendapat gaji setiap bulannya, dan 3) <em>Outcome</em> yaitu keberhasilan atlet belum mencapai target secara maksimal. Kesimpulan : 1) <em>Antecendent </em>meliputi: latar belakang dan perencanaan program pembinaan yang sangat baik, 2) <em>Transaction</em> meliputi rekrutmen pelatih dan perekrutan atlet yang sangat baik, program latihan belum berjalan dengan baik, sarana dan prasarana kurang baik, pendanaan sangat baik, koordinasi sangat baik, dan kesejahteraan sangat baik, 3) <em>Outcome</em> meliputi keberhasilan kurang baik. Saran dalam penelitian ini yaitu : Pengurus dan pelatih Olahraga Petanque Sumatera Utara harus lebih maksimal dalam melakukan perbaikan khususnya pada aspek pelaksanaan perekrutan atlet dan prasarana di sektor lapangan untuk pelatih dan atlet dalam menjalankan program-program latihan.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>The Petanque sport branch of North Sumatra in recent years in national events has not achieved maximum performance. The aim of this research is to evaluate Antecedents (background and planning of coaching programs), Transactions (recruitment of coaches, recruitment of athletes, training programs, facilities and infrastructure, funding, coordination and welfare), Outcomes (success/achievement) in the petanque sport of North Sumatra. The research method uses a qualitative approach with the Countence evaluation model from Robert E. Stake. The subjects in this research were administrators, coaches and athletes in the petanque sport of North Sumatra. To obtain data in this research, three types of data collection techniques were used, namely: 1) Observation, 2) interviews, and 3) Documentation. Results: 1) Antecedent, namely the background and planning of a structured coaching program by the management. 2) Transaction, namely the recruitment of coaches/athletes that meet all the criteria, the training program is prepared by the coaches and administrators, but the athletes have not been able to carry out the training program. Facilities and infrastructure are hampered by gravel. those in the field are starting to run out, funding is very good to support the needs of athletes and coaches, very good coordination between administrators and the government, coaches and athletes and the welfare of coaches and athletes is very good because they get salaries every month, and 3) Outcome, namely the success of athletes has not yet reached target to the maximum. Conclusion: 1) Antecedent includes: very good background and planning for the coaching program, 2) Transaction includes very good recruitment of coaches and athlete recruitment, the training program is not running well, facilities and infrastructure are not good, funding is very good, coordination is very good , and very good welfare, 3) Outcomes include less good success. The suggestions in this research are: North Sumatra Petanque Sports administrators and coaches must be more optimal in making improvements, especially in aspects of implementing athlete recruitment and infrastructure in the field sector for coaches and athletes in carrying out training programs.</em></p> 2024-04-30T00:00:00+07:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Penjaskesrek