This study looks at whether elementary training methods can influence the ability of football dribbling. Forty-four male players have recruited from SSB Taram FC District 50 City and were asked to dribble through a special circuit. The results show that, mean = 3,811 which means the difference in score of football dribbling ability between after and before given the elementary training method. Furthermore, the most important results of this study are the statistical value of t = 18.743 with DB = 43 and sig. or p-value = 0,000 <0.05 or H0 rejected. In conclusion, there is a significant influence on students' football dribbling skills between before and after being given elementary training methods. Elementary training methods can be used as one of the training methods that can develop the dribbling ability of soccer players. Because elementary training is an exercise that is designed in part by section or an exercise that is done is sorted into every part that is in technical training.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat efektifitas latihan elementer, terhadap kemampuan dribbling sepakbola. Empat puluh empat pemain pria direkrut dari SSB Taram FC Kabupaten 50 Kota, dan diminta untuk menggiring bola melalui sirkuit khusus. Hasil menunjukan bahwa, mean = 3,811 yang berarti selisih skor kemampuan dribbling sepakbola antara setelah dan sebelum diberi metode latihan elementer. Selanjutnya hasil terpenting dari penelitian ini adalah harga statistic t = 18,743 dengan db = 43 dan angka sig. atau p-velue = 0,000 < 0,05 atau H0 ditolak. Sebagai kesimpulan bahwa, terdapat pengaruh kemampuan dribbling sepakbola siswa yang signifikan antara sebelum dan setelah diberi metode latihan elementer. Metode latihan elementer dapat dijadikan salah satu metode latihan yang dapat mengembangkan kemampuan dribbling pemain sepakbola. Karena latihan elementer merupakan latihan yang dirancang secara bagian demi bagian atau latihan yang dilakukan dipilah menjadi setiap bagian yang ada dalam latihan teknik.
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