Visipena <p>Visipena Journal (e-ISSN: 2502-6860 and p-ISSN: 2086-1397) published by Lemlit STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena Banda Aceh. Visipena Journal is published twice a year on June and December. The goal of this journal is to facilitate scholars, researchers, and teachers for publishing the original research articles or review articles. The articles basically contain any topics concerning with education. Visipena Journal is available in print and online version. Languange used in this journal is Indonesia or English.</p> Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian (LP2M) STKIP Bina Bangsa Getsempena en-US Visipena 2086-1397 PENGARUH BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK DENGAN TEKNIK GROUP EXERCISE UNTUK MENGEMBANGKAN EFIKASI DIRI SISWA SMA NEGERI 1 DARUL IMARAH <p>Efikasi diri merupakan salah satu faktor penting yang harus dimiliki oleh siswa untuk mendukung keberhasilan belajarnya. Karena dengan adanya efikasi diri siswa akan memiliki keyakinan positif terhadap diri sendiri, mandiri, serta independen ketika berhadapan dengan tugas sekolah. Siswa yang memiliki efikasi diri yang tinggi akan memiliki inisiatif yang tinggi untuk dirinya sendiri khususnya dalam memaksimalkan aktivitas dan hasil belajarnya. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk melihat efektivitas layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik <em>group exercise </em>untuk mengembangkan efikasi diri siswa&nbsp; SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah. Populasi penelitian ini berjumlah 213 siswa jumlah sampel 10 siswa. Teknik pengampilan sampel yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah <em>purposive sampling.</em> Teknik analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan uji wilcoxon. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, disimpulkan bahwa tingkat efikasi diri siswa sebelum diberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik <em>group exercise</em> termasuk dalam kategori sangat rendah. Kedua,gambaran efikasi diri siswa sesudah diberikan layanan bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik <em>group exercise</em> sebanyak delapan kali pertemuan, terdapat pengembangan efikasi diri pada siswa dan berada pada kategori tinggi. Ketiga, berdasarkan hasil hipotesis, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa bimbingan kelompok dengan teknik <em>group exercise</em> efektif digunakan untuk mengembangkan efikasi diri siswa.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>Self-efficacy is one of the important factors that students must have to support their learning success. Because with self-efficacy students will have positive beliefs about themselves, be independent, and independent when dealing with school assignments. Students who have high self-efficacy will have high initiative for themselves, especially in maximizing their learning activities and results. The purpose of this study was to see the effectiveness of group guidance services with group exercise techniques to develop the self-efficacy of SMA Negeri 1 Darul Imarah students. The population of this study amounted to 213 students with a sample size of 10 students. Data analysis techniques using descriptive analysis and wilcoxon test. Based on the results of the study, it was concluded that the level of self-efficacy of students before being given group guidance services with group exercise techniques was in the very low category. Second, the picture of student self-efficacy after being given group guidance services with group exercise techniques for eight meetings, there is a development of self-efficacy in students and is in the high category. Third, based on the results of the hypothesis, it can be concluded that group guidance with group exercise techniques is effectively used to develop students' self-efficacy.</em></p> Martunis Martunis Fitra Marsela Evi Rahmiyati Husnatul Fatimah Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 15 2 128 139 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2922 ADAPTIVE INDONESIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING TO ISLAMIC BOARDING SCHOOL VALUES <p><em>Adaptation to local values ​​is the choice of many parties when they want to bring justice to the classroom. This research reveals the cultural diversity adapted in Indonesian language learning, especially the typical Islamic boarding school values ​​of Mbh Hasyim Asy'ari Tebuireng. This research is ethnocritical. The data used is linguistic data in the form of teacher and student speech. Data collection was carried out using observation and interview methods. Data were analyzed using ethnocritical theory. Researchers describe the values ​​(culture) that exist in Indonesian language learning at Junior High Schools in Tebuireng. Apart from that, the researcher also provided critical comments on the data description. The findings in this research are that Indonesian language learning in Tebuireng is carried out in an active, integrative manner. As a result, there are three Islamic boarding school values ​​that are adapted in learning, namely: openness values, togetherness values, and tasamuh values. These values ​​are utilized by teachers to create active, interactive and loving learning.</em></p> Ahmad Faizi Eko Hardinanto Anggara Dwinata Fani Indrawan Prima Vidya Asteria Harfiandi Harfiandi Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-30 2024-12-30 15 2 140 152 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2942 PENGARUH MODEL PEMBELAJARAN AIR DALAM MENINGKATKAN PEMAHAMAN KONSEP MATEMATIS SISWA MENENGAH ATAS DI SELANGOR DAN ACEH <p>Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran <em>Auditiory Intelectual And Repetition</em> (AIR) Dalam Meningkatkan Pemahaman Konsep Matematis Siswa Menengah Atas di Selangor dan Aceh. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian quasi eksperimen menggunakan desaian <em>tipe one group pretest posttest.</em> Populasi dari penelitian ini adalah semua siswa form 4PA MTK dan semua siswa kelas X SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. Sampelnya adalah siswa form 4PA Maahad Tahfidz Kiblah (MTK) yang berjumlah 20 siswa (<em>total sampling</em>) dan siswa kelas X-4 SMAN 4 Banda Aceh berjumlah 30 siswa. Pemilihan sampel kelas di SMAN 4 dilakukan secara acak dari 6 (enam) kelas X yang ada. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini yaitu berupa perangkat <em>pretest</em> dan <em>posttest</em> dengan jawaban siswa diukur menggunakan rubrik indikator pemahaman konsep. Uji normalitas dilakukan sebelum uji hipotesis penelitian dengan menggunakan uji <em>Shapiro-Wilk</em>. Karena normalitas data posttest pada kelas eksperimen di MTK dan di SMAN 4 tidak terpenuhi maka hipotesis diuji dengan statistik non-parametrik menggunakan <em>Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test</em>. Hasil dari pengujian hipotesis ini memperoleh signifikansi &nbsp;yang menunjukakan ada perbedaan antara hasil pretest dan posttest pada pemahaman konsep matematis yang dengan model pembelajaran <em>AIR</em>. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh model AIR dalam meningkatkan pemahaman konsep matematis siswa Form 4PA MTK dan siswa kelas X SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. Pengaruh ini terjadi sebagai dampak positif&nbsp; dari suasana belajar yang lebih dinamis dengan siswa sangat aktif berpartisipasi pada setiap langkah &nbsp;pembelajaran model <em>AIR</em>.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>This research aims to determine the effect of the Auditory Intellectual and Repetition (AIR) learning model in improving the&nbsp;understanding of mathematical concepts for senior high school students in Selangor and Aceh. The type of research used is quasi-experimental research using a one-group pretest-posttest type design. The population of this study was all students in class 4PA Maahad Tahfidz Kiblah (MTK) and all students in class X SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. The sample was 20 students in class 4PA MTK (total sampling) and 30 in class X-4 at SMAN 4 Banda Aceh. The class samples at SMAN 4 were randomly selected from the 6 existing X classes. The instruments used in this research are pretest and posttest instruments with student answers measured using a mathematical understanding indicator rubric. The normality test was carried out before testing the research hypothesis using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Because the normality of posttest data in the experimental class at MTK and at SMAN 4 was not met, the hypothesis was tested with non-parametric statistics using the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test. The results of testing this hypothesis obtained a significance of &lt;0.05, which shows that there is a difference between the pretest and posttest results in understanding mathematical concepts using the AIR learning model. It can be concluded that there is an influence of the AIR teaching model in increasing the understanding of mathematical concepts for Class 4PA MTK students and Class X-4 students at SMAN Banda Aceh. This influence occurs as a positive impact of a more dynamic learning atmosphere with students actively participating in every step of the AIR learning model.</em></p> Hamilatul Ummah Lukman Ibrahim Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 153 167 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2920 ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN BAHAN AJAR KETERAMPILAN MENULIS BAHASA ARAB TINGKAT PEMULA PADA MAHASISWA PROGRAM STUDI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA ARAB FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI JAKARTA <p>Bahasa adalah alat komunikasi yang paling penting dalam berinteraksi dengan siapapun di dunia ini, Bahasa tidak mungkin terpisahkan dari kehidupan manusia, karena manusialah yang menggunakan bahasa itu sendiri untuk berinteraksi. Salah satunya adalah penggunaan Bahasa didalam kegiatan Pembelajaran. Kegiatan Pembelajaran adalah suatu aktifitas yang kompleks, karena melibatkan banyak komponen, ibarat suatu aktifitas produksi/barang, bahan merupakan komponen yang akan diubah menjadi barang/produksi. Dalam menjalankan proses pembelajaran, diperlukan adanya bahan ajar yang merupakan komponen penting dalam sebuah proses belajar mengajar. Penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian <em>research and development </em>(R &amp; D). Hasil analisis dari &nbsp;&nbsp;angket yang di distribusikan kepada mahasiswa melalui Google Form tentang analisis kebutuhan mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa Arab Universitas Negeri Jakarta dapat&nbsp; di&nbsp; identifikasi bahwa mahasiswa sangat&nbsp; setuju&nbsp; dan&nbsp; mendukung&nbsp; adanya&nbsp; pembuatan&nbsp; dan&nbsp; pengembangan bahan&nbsp; ajar berbasis digital&nbsp; pada&nbsp; mata&nbsp; kuliah menulis Bahasa arab Tingkat pemula. Temuan dalam artikel ini secara praktis dapat ditindaklanjuti oleh penulis dan pihak Program Studi dalam mengembangkan Bahan Ajar Menulis Bahasa Arab Tingkat pemula sehingga pembelajaran menjadi bermakna, menyenangkan, dan berkelanjutan.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>Language is the most important communication tool in interacting with anyone in this world. Language cannot be separated from human life, because humans are the ones who use language themselves to interact. One of them is the use of language in learning activities. Learning activities are complex activities because they involve many components, such as a production activity/goods, materials are components that will be converted into goods/production. A teacher must have many abilities in teaching with various kinds of teaching materials. Teaching materials are very important in the learning process, especially in Arabic. Therefore, the teaching and learning process requires motivational encouragement to increase students' linguistic competence. In carrying out the learning process, teaching materials are needed which are an important component in a teaching and learning process. This research is a type of research and development (R &amp; D) research. R &amp; D is research that is deliberate, systematic, aimed, or directed at finding, formulating, improving, developing, producing, and testing the effectiveness of certain products, models, strategies, services, and procedures that are superior, new, effective, efficient, productive and meaningful. Based on research conducted by the author, in line with the research objective, namely to analyze the need for digital-based teaching materials. The results of the questionnaire analysis of student needs for the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Jakarta State University can be identified that students strongly agree and support the creation and development of digital-based teaching materials in beginner-level Arabic writing courses. . namely to analyze the need for digital-based teaching materials. The results of the questionnaire analysis of student needs for the Arabic Language Education Study Program at Jakarta State University can be identified that students strongly agree and support the creation and development of digital-based teaching materials in beginner-level Arabic writing courses. The findings in this article can be practically followed up by the author and the Study Program in developing beginner-level Arabic Writing Teaching Materials so that learning becomes meaningful, fun, and sustainable.</em></p> Fahreza Prakasa Shafruddin Tajuddin Samsi Setiadi Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 168 188 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2714 ANALISIS MODEL RASCH INSTRUMEN TES PEMAHAMAN PESERTA PENDIDIKAN PELATIHAN DASAR CPNS PETUGAS PEMASYARAKATAN PADA MATERI AGENDA DUA NILAI – NILAI DASAR BERAKHLAK <p>Petugas pemasyarakatan bertanggungjawab dalam mengawasi, dan membina warga binaan pemasyarakatan wajib menginternalisasi nilai – nilai dasar BerAKHLAK. Internasilasi <em>core values</em> ini dimulai dengan memahami apa itu berorientasi pelayanan, akuntabel, kompeten, harmonis, adaptif dan kolaboratif. Sehingga akan mempengaruhi sikap kerja yang positif. Penelitian ini dimaksudkan dalam rangka menelaah karakteristik pada instrumen pemahaman peserta pelatihan dan pendidikan calon pegawai negeri sipil (CPNS) Petugas Pemasyarakatan pada materi agenda dua nilai – nilai dasar BerAKHLAK dengan <em>Rasch Rasch</em>. Penelitian dilakukan di BPSDM Kementerian Hukum tahun anggaran 2024 pada gelombang 3, jumlah sampel sebanyak 113 peserta. Jumlah pertanyaan terdiri dari 14 butir soal yang berkaitan dengan materi agenda dua nilai-nilai dasar berakhlak. Seleksi butir bertujuan untuk memperoleh butir <em>fit</em> menggunakan program Winstep V.3.73. Didapat 14 butir cocok dengan model <em>Rash</em>, dimana nilai <em>Outfir MNSQ</em> didapat 1,00 dan nilai ZSTD adalah 0,1 nilai <em>Point Measure Correlation</em> diantara -2,0 sampai dengan + 1,5. ; dengan nilai Person measure sebesar 1,36 logit dan besaran <em>Item Reliability</em> sebesar 0,88 dan <em>Alpha Cronbach </em>adalah 0,71. Penelitian ini menemukan kemampuan rata – rata peserta diklat di atas tingkat kesukaran tes. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa instrumen dapat digunakan untuk mengukur pemahaman peserta diklat Latsar CPNS pada petugas pemasyarakatan.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>Correctional officers are responsible for supervising and fostering correctional inmates who are obliged to internalize the basic values of Morality. The internasilization of core values begins with understanding what it means to be service-oriented, accountable, competent, harmonious, adaptive and collaborative. So that it will affect a positive work attitude. This study aims to analyze the characteristics of the comprehension test instrument for training participants and education of prospective civil servants (CPNS) for correctional officers on the agenda material of two basic values of AKHLAK with&nbsp; the Rasch model approach. The research was conducted at the BPSDM of the Ministry of Law for the 2024 fiscal year in wave 3, with a sample of 113 participants. The instrument consists of 14 questions related to the agenda material of the two basic moral values. Selection of test items to get a fit item using the Winstep V.3.73 program. The results of this study are 14 questions in accordance with the Rash model, with&nbsp; an MNSQ Outer&nbsp; Value of 1.00 and a ZSTD value of 0.1, a Point Measure Correlation value between -2.0 to + 1.5.; with a Person measure value of 1.36 logit and an Item Reliability value of 0.88 and Alpha Cronbach by 0.71. This study found that the average ability of training participants was above the level of difficulty of the test. The results of this study conclude that the instrument can be used to measure the understanding of CPNS Latsar training participants in correctional officers.</em></p> Rini Setiawati Ryan Arthur Muh Khamdan Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 189 203 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2989 DEVELOPMENT OF A LOCAL WISDOM-BASED ANIMATED VIDEO FOR THE ENGLISH LEARNING OF SECONDARY-LEVEL STUDENTS’ IN SABANG CITY, ACEH PROVINCE <p><em>The use of video as learning media in the digital age has been prevalent. A large body of literature has shown its effectiveness in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classrooms as it includes audio-visuals that makes the learning appealing. However, there is very limited research devoted to developing a video animation based on a local wisdom. Hence, this study aims to develop a video animation that includes local wisdom for teaching English to secondary school students. This research employed a Research and Development method which include: (1) problem analysis, (2) data collection, (3) product design, (4) validation, (5) revision, (6) product trial (7) final product revision. The data collection instruments used are validation sheets, questionnaire and observation sheet. The research subjects were 25 students at Grade VIII of SMPN 7 and SMPN 8 in Sabang City. The observation results showed a lack of multimedia used in the English learning. The validation results by media and material experts indicated that the animated video is very appropriate in terms of the design, material, and language with validation scores of 96.66%, 97.77%, and 96.36%. Meanwhile, the questionnaire results also uncovered that the animated video is favored by the students.</em></p> Cut Mulia Zuhra Sabrina Sabrina Muslem Daud Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 204 218 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2931 PENGEMBANGAN INSTRUMEN LITERASI MEMBACA AUTENTIK BERBANTUAN APLIKASI QUIZIZZ <p>Kebutuhan akan instrumen literasi membaca&nbsp; autentik muncul karena pentingnya membekali siswa dengan keterampilan untuk menavigasi dunia informasi yang kaya dan kompleks saat ini. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menyusun instrument berupa soal-soal yang bisa menilai kemampuan siswa untuk menggunakan literasi membaca dalam konteks nyata, seperti memahami dokumen penting, mengikuti instruksi, atau menganalisis berita untuk informasi yang dapat diandalkan, menyampaikan pendapat, memecahkan masalah kehidupan nyata, atau menempatkan pengetahuan mereka dalam konteks yang lebih luas. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam studi ini adalah Penelitian dan Pengembangan (R&amp;D) dengan model pengembangan <em>ADDIE. </em>Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa instrumen penilaian literasi membaca autentik berbantuan aplikasi quizizz yang disusun telah memenuhi kriteria validitas dan reliabilitas yang tinggi. Validitas isi didukung oleh penilaian experts dengan CVR sebesar 1, menunjukkan bahwa semua aspek instrumen esensial. Validitas soal pilihan ganda dibuktikan melalui analisis korelasi point-biserial yang menunjukkan validitas tinggi setiap butir soal. Reliabilitas instrumen yang tinggi dengan nilai 6,152 Cronbach’s Alpha &gt; 0,70 mengindikasikan konsistensi dalam mengukur kemampuan siswa dalam hal membaca autentik. Penelitian ini memberikan implikasi positif terhadap peningkatan keterampilan literasi membaca siswa dan pemanfaatan teknolgi pembelajaran. Instrumen yang dihasilkan dapat digunakan sebagai alat ukur yang handal untuk mengevaluasi kemampuan literasi membaca siswa khususnya dalam hal membaca autentik, serta mendukung peningkatan kualitas pendidikan literasi. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa instrumen literasi membaca autentik yang telah dikembangkan tidak hanya memenuhi kriteria validitas dan reliabilitas yang tinggi, tetapi juga berpotensi untuk meningkatkan keterampilan literasi membaca siswa di lingkungan pendidikan. Dengan penggunaan teknologi pembelajaran yang tepat, instrumen ini dapat menjadi alat yang efektif untuk mengevaluasi dan mendukung proses belajar mengajar dalam konteks literasi yang semakin kompleks.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract</strong></em><br><em>The need for authentic reading literacy instruments arises because of the importance of equipping students with the skills to navigate today's rich and complex world of information. This research aims to develop an instrument in the form of questions that can assess students' ability to use reading literacy in real contexts, such as understanding important documents, following instructions, or analyzing news for reliable information, expressing opinions, solving real-life problems, or placing their knowledge in a broader context. The type of research used in this research is Research and Development (R&amp;D) with the ADDIE development model. The results of the research show that the instrument for assessing authentic reading literacy assisted by the Quizizz application has met the criteria for high validity and reliability. Content validity is supported by expert assessment with a CVR of 1, indicating that all aspects of the instrument are essential. The validity of multiple choice questions is proven through point-biserial correlation analysis which shows the high validity of each question item. The high reliability of the instrument with a value of 6.152 Cronbach's Alpha &gt; 0.70 indicates consistency in measuring students' abilities in authentic reading. This research has positive implications for improving students' reading literacy skills and the use of learning technology. The resulting instrument can be used as a reliable measuring tool to evaluate students' reading literacy skills, especially in terms of authentic reading, as well as supporting improving the quality of literacy education. &nbsp;The conclusion of this study shows that the developed authentic reading literacy instrument not only meets the criteria of high validity and reliability, but also has the potential to improve students' reading literacy skills in educational settings. With the appropriate use of learning technology, this instrument can be an effective tool to evaluate and support teaching and learning processes in increasingly complex literacy contexts.</em></p> Vismaia S. Damaianti Yusrawati Jr Simatupang Destiani Sri Wahyuni Ananda Putriani Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 219 235 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2760 STUDENTS’ HINDRANCES BEYOND ACADEMIC MATTERS IN APPLYING FOR INDONESIAN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT MOBILITY AWARDS (IISMA) A Study at Politeknik Aceh <p><em>The Indonesian International Students Mobility Awards (IISMA) is a prestigious program launched by the Indonesian Ministry of Education and Culture (Kemdikbud). However, obstacles found that hampered the implementation of the program, especially at the Aceh Polytechnic. These obstacles both come from academic and non-academic factors. There, this study aims at administering factors that hinder the students of Politeknik Aceh from applying for IISMA program, and drawing possible solutions for the problems faced by the students. Moreover, this study also discussed about the relationship between Acehnese people’s way of thinking and their traditions, norms and cultures. The students were asked to fill in online questionnaires through Google Form Application. The result of the research showed that the majority of the students have lack motivation and understanding about the program. Only few students indicate great enthusiasm and insight about the output of living in another country. Moreover, More than half of the participants admitted their anxiety of studying overseas. Possible solutions to overcome the problems had been drafted. Counseling services, mentorship programs, peer support groups, and cultural preparation programs are amongst the ideal resolution that could be conducted to both minimize students’ anxiety and trigger their motivation to take part in IISMA program.</em></p> Sabarniati Sabarniati Kurniawati Kurniawati Naria Fitriani Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 236 250 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2889 THE DEVELOPMENT MODEL OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER PERFORMANCE BASED ON THE ACEH QANUN OF EDUCATION ORGANIZATION <p>This study identifies the factors underlying the development of junior high school teacher performance in Banda Aceh, focusing on the efforts of the city government in developing teacher performance. The methods used are case studies and phenomenology, with primary data collection through interviews, observations, and questionnaires, as well as secondary data from literature reviews. Before the development program, only 60% of teachers had a bachelor's degree in education, but after two years of professional initiatives, this figure increased to 85%. Classroom observations showed a 30% increase in student engagement, and 75% of teachers felt more confident after attending subject training. The survey showed a 40% increase in the use of innovative post-training teaching methods, as well as a 20% increase in student test scores in schools implementing the program. These findings underscore the importance of strategic policies, in accordance with Qanun Aceh No. 9 of 2015, to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of education.</p> Musriadi Aswad Jalaluddin Jalaluddin Hambali Hambali Nasrun Nasrun Khairil Ansary Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 251 263 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2789 OPTIMIZATION OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT TO IMPROVE THE QUALITY OF EDUCATION AT MAN 2 TULUNGAGUNG <p><em>The principal should synergize with teachers and education personnel to improve the quality of education to determine the success of education. In this case, the subject of the study is education at MAN 2 Tulungagung. The research method is a qualitative design that uses descriptive phenomenological analysis with data analysis using the Miles, Huberman &amp; Saldana model. The results of the study are as follows: Human resource planning, namely: planning the needs of human resources, both educators and education personnel who have a strong commitment to implementing the vision and mission to achieve the goals of the madrasah. Organizing human resources at MAN 2 Tulungagung is done by compiling job descriptions, and procuring workers. Empowerment of human resources at MAN 2 Tulungagung, namely: through coaching, supervision, training, providing motivation and reward and punishment. Evaluation of human resources at MAN 2 Tulungagung is in two forms, namely soft and hard forms. The soft form is more directed at the form of awareness and religious touch and profession. The hard form displays the evaluation of the performance report of educators and employees.</em></p> Masduki Masduki Sri Hastutik Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2024-12-31 2024-12-31 15 2 264 276 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2935 Analisis Pelaksanaan Kurikulum Merdeka di Sekolah Dasar <p>Penelitian ini mengevaluasi implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di delapan sekolah dasar di Kota Palu menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif berbasis studi kasus. Data dikumpulkan melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dan dokumentasi, kemudian dianalisis menggunakan model Miles dan Huberman. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa efektivitas Kurikulum Merdeka bervariasi antar sekolah, dengan keberhasilan yang lebih tinggi di sekolah yang memiliki dukungan manajemen yang baik dan pelatihan guru yang memadai. Meskipun efisiensi waktu cukup tinggi, keterbatasan sumber daya dan alat bantu belajar tetap menjadi kendala utama. Proyek berbasis konteks lokal terbukti relevan dalam meningkatkan keterampilan berpikir kritis siswa, tetapi distribusi manfaat kurikulum belum merata akibat ketimpangan sumber daya dan dukungan pelatihan. Dengan menggunakan kerangka evaluasi kebijakan William M. Dunn, penelitian ini mengidentifikasi kebutuhan mendesak untuk pelatihan intensif guru, penyediaan sumber daya, dan distribusi biaya yang adil guna memastikan implementasi yang lebih inklusif dan efektif.<br><br><br><em><strong>Abstract<br></strong></em><em>This study evaluates the implementation of the Merdeka Curriculum in eight primary schools in Palu City through a qualitative, case-study approach. Data collection involved unstructured observations, in-depth interviews, and documentation, analyzed using the Miles and Huberman model. The findings indicate varying effectiveness of the Merdeka Curriculum across schools, with higher success rates in institutions supported by strong management and adequate teacher training. While time efficiency was relatively high, limited resources and teaching aids remain significant challenges. Locally contextualized projects proved relevant in fostering students' critical thinking skills; however, curriculum benefits were unevenly distributed due to disparities in resources and training support. Applying William M. Dunn's policy evaluation framework, the study identifies critical needs for intensive teacher training, resource provision, and equitable funding distribution to ensure a more inclusive and effective implementation.</em></p> Yusdin Bin Mahmudin Mahmudin Gagaramusu Zulnuraini Zulnuraini Mufidah Mufidah Nuraini Nuraini Nurul Kami Sani Copyright (c) 2025 Visipena 2025-01-20 2025-01-20 15 2 277 291 10.46244/visipena.v15i2.2901