• Diyah Yuli Sugiarti Universitas slam 45, Bekasi
Keywords: Education, Role of Lecturers, Journalisme


The purpose of this research is to determine the role of lecturers as  journalism educator. This research uses quantitative approach. Data was taken from the literature analysis, observations and interviews to  lecturers at Islamic University "45"  in Bekasi city. The results showed that there were very low lecturers as journalism educator, namely 5% from 137 lecturers. This will be weakness because: 1) low awareness about writing to the mass media, They don’t have much timedue to teaching activities, They don’t have the  journalistic knowledge, limited writing skills in mass media, lecturers' reading and writing for the mass media is very low, and the culture of the organization is not supportive. This condition causes the education quality assurance system notoptimal. If left unchecked it will hamper Indonesia's national education goals. So it needsefforts to increase the awareness of the role of lecturers as journalis educator.


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How to Cite
Diyah Yuli Sugiarti. (2019). ROLE OF LECTURERS AS A JOURNALISM EDUCATOR. Jurnal Metamorfosa , 7(2), 182-188. Retrieved from