Penelitian ini memanfaatkan sastra sebagai sarana kritik religiusitas melalui novel Dompet Ayah Sepatu Ibu karya J.S. Khairen. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana religiusitas pada Novel Dompet Ayah Sepatu Ibu karya J.S Khairen dapat membentuk watak peserta didik kelas XII SMK melalui penggambaran tokoh serta alur cerita dalam karya sastra. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Desain penelitian ini mengacu pada teori Cresswell meliputi 1) perencanaan, 2) pelaksana, 3) pengumpul data, 4) implementasi data, dan 5 ) pelapor hasil penelitian. Pengumpulan data dengan teknik wawancara, observasi, dan angket. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah peserta didik kelas XII SMK Puspita Bangsa. Desain penelitian ini merangkum kutipan-kutipan pada novel yang mencerminkan nilai religiusitas. Penelitian ini menemukan 3 kutipan pada novel yang menggambarkan nilai akidah. Terdapat 3 kutipan yang menggambarkan nilai akhlak. Terdapat 4 kutipan yang menggambarkan nilai ibadah. Berdasarkan hasil dari tanggapan peserta diidk mengenai nilai religiusitas dalam novel Dompet Ayah Sepatu Ibu karya J.S. Khairen. Terdapat tanggapan peserta didik yaitu nilai akidah sebanyak 17, nilai akhlak sebanyak 18 dan nilai ibadah sebanyak 26. Hasil kuesioner menunjukan bahwa novel Dompet Ayah Sepatu Ibu karya J.S Khairen mampu membantu peserta didik guna mengimplementasikan nilai religiusitas pada kegiatan sosial masyarakat yang peserta didik jalani.
This research uses literature as a means of criticizing religiosity through the novel Dompet Ayah Shoes Ibu by J.S. Khairen. This research aims to determine the extent to which religiosity in the novel Dompet Ayah Shoes Ibu by J.S Khairen can shape the character of class XII vocational school students through the depiction of characters and storylines in literary works. This study used descriptive qualitative method. This research design refers to Cresswell's theory including 1) planning, 2) implementing, 3) data collecting, 4) data implementation, and 5) reporting research results. Data collection using interview, observation and questionnaire techniques. The data source for this research is class XII students at Puspita Bangsa Vocational School. This research design summarizes quotes in the novel that reflect the value of religiosity. This research found 3 quotes in the novel that describe the value of faith. There are 3 quotes that describe moral values. There are 4 quotes that describe the value of worship. Based on the results of the students' responses regarding the value of religiosity in the novel Dompet Ayah Shoes Ibu by J.S. Khairen. There were student responses, namely the value of faith was 17, the moral value was 18 and the value of worship was 26. The results of the questionnaire show that the novel Dompet Ayah Shoes Ibu by J.S Khairen is able to help students implement the value of religiosity in the social activities of the community that students undertake.
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