• Zahria Amalina Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Fahmi Said Miftahul Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Rizka Marlisa Aini Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Intan Zuhra Universitas Almuslim
Keywords: World Englishes, attitude, varieties of English


This study is based on the concept of World Englishes (WE). It aims to examine the attitudes and awareness of university students towards different varieties of English. Data was collected from 38 students through a questionnaire, with 10 participants selected for interviews. The mixed method design of concurrent embedded was used to analyze the data, combining qualitative interview data with quantitative questionnaire data for a comprehensive result. The qualitative data from the interview were integrated with the quantitative data from the questionnaire to reinforce the findings. All data collected from the participants were carefully examined and analyzed. The study revealed that students possess a general awareness and positive attitudes towards various forms of English. However, their limited exposure to these varieties hinders their knowledge and understanding of them. This preference reflects the influence of socio-cultural factors on language learning and suggests the need for a more comprehensive approach to English language education that includes exposure to world Englishes.


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How to Cite
Amalina, Z., Said Miftahul, F., Marlisa Aini, R., & Zuhra, I. (2024). ATTITUDES OF ENGLISH EDUCATION STUDENTS TOWARDS WORLD ENGLISHES: PREFERENCES AND CULTURAL INFLUENCES. Getsempena English Education Journal , 11(2), 86-99.

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