• Lilis Triana Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Sariakin Sariakin Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
  • Rahmatullah Rahmatullah Universitas Bina Bangsa Getsempena
Keywords: Gaya Kepemimpinan, Partisipatif dan Motivasi, Kinerja Guru


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui model kinerja guru yang dibangun berdasarkan hubungan kausal asosiatif antara variabel eksogenus dengan variabel endogenus kinerja guru untuk diterapkan secara adaftif di SD Negeri Kecamatan Indrapuri  Kabupaten Aceh Besar, kontribusi gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif kepala sekolah terhadap kinerja guru SD Negeri  di Kecamatan Indrapuri, kontribusi motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru SD Negeri di Kecamatan Indrapuri, dan kontribusi gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja guru terhadap  kinerja guru SD Negeri di Kecamatan Indrapuri. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif jenis deskriptif studi korelasional dengan pola kajian korelatif. Sampel dalam peneltian ini berjumlah 62 orang yang diambil secara acak. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara gaya kepemimpinan partisipatif kepala sekolah dengan kinerja guru dengan ry1 sebesar 0,74 koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,55, kemudian  memberikan sumbangan yang efektif sebesar 47,63%, terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan antara motivasi kerja dengan kinerja guru dengan ry2 sebesar 0,25 koefifisien determinasi sebesar 0,585, kemudian memberikan sumbangan yang efektif sebesar 10,87%, terdapat hubungan positif dan signifikan secara bersama-sama antara gaya epemimpinan partisipatif kepala sekolah dan motivasi kerja terhadap kinerja guru dengan ry12 sebesar 0,765 koefisien determinasi sebesar 0,585, kemudian memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 63,20%.

This research aims to determine the teacher performance model which is built based on associative causal relationships between exogenous variables and endogenous variables of teacher performance to be applied adaptively in State Elementary Schools, Indrapuri District, Aceh Besar Regency, the contribution of the principal's participative leadership style to the performance of State Elementary School teachers in the District. Indrapuri, the contribution of work motivation to the performance of State Elementary School teachers in Indrapuri District, and the contribution of the principal's participative leadership style and teacher work motivation to the performance of State Elementary School teachers in Indrapuri District. The research method is quantitative, descriptive correlational study type with a correlative study pattern. The sample in this research was 62 people taken randomly. The results of the research show that there is a positive and significant relationship between the principal's participative leadership style and teacher performance with ry1 of 0.74, coefficient of determination of 0.55, then providing an effective contribution of 47.63%, there is a positive and significant relationship between work motivation with teacher performance with ry2 of 0.25, the coefficient of determination is 0.585, then provides an effective contribution of 10.87%, there is a positive and significant relationship simultaneously between the principal's participative leadership style and work motivation on teacher performance with ry12 of 0.765 the coefficient of determination is 0.585, then provides an effective contribution of 63.20%.


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How to Cite
Lilis Triana, Sariakin, S., & Rahmatullah, R. (2024). KONTRIBUSI GAYA KEPEMIMPINAN PARTISIPATIF DAN MOTIVASI KERJA TERHADAP KINERJA GURU SD NEGERI DI KECAMATAN INDRAPURI KABUPATEN ACEH BESAR. Visipena, (Issue), 44-52. https://doi.org/10.46244/visipena.vi.2555