Statement of Article Authenticity


The undersigned below :

Name                           : ………………………

Lecture ID                    : ………………….

Institution/Affiliation    : ………………………….………………….……………….….…

Office Address             : ……………………….…………………………….……….…….

              No. Telp.        :  ……..….…..  No. Fax. …………….

Home Address             : ……………………..…………………………………….….……

              No. Telp.        :  ………..…… No. HP ………………

E-mail                          : …………..………


Is the main author, hereby declare that the article/paper is titled :



With the other authors :             

  1. …………………………………………..  ………………………………………….. 
  2. …………………………………………..  …………………………………………..  etc
  3. Is the original work is not plagiarism from any published or unpublished source.
  4. Never published before or will be published in other print
  5. Has received approval from all authors.
  6. The contents of the writing are entirely the responsibility of the author. .
  7. Has been approved by the ethics committee or considered aspects of research ethics that can be accounted for (specifically for research articles).
  8. Do not mind the article edited by the editorial board / editor as long as it does not change the content of the article.
  9. We submit the article to this Journal team for processing, publication, and we will not withdraw it.
  10. The writing has been written following the rules for writing this Journal.

Thus this statement I / we made truly.

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 The First Author                                                                       Second Author

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  1. …………………………………………..                         ………………………………………….. 


Third Author                                                                                 Fourth Author       


  1. …………………………………………..                           4. …………………………………………..