• Puan Tursina STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Barat Daya
  • Eka Rahmatan STKIP Muhammadiyah Aceh Barat Daya
Keywords: Language, Acehnese, English, Homograph


The aims of this study were to figure out the number of homographs in Acehnese and English languages and the examples of homographs. Qualitative approach was used to conduct the study. Both Acehnese dictionary and Oxford dictionary were used to collect the data. The results of the study indicated that there were 157 words found between Acehnese and English languages. In addition, those words were written in the same spelling but those are different from the meanings and pronunciation. It was clear that interlingual homograph can be found between Acehnese and English words.


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How to Cite
Puan Tursina, & Eka Rahmatan. (2017). ANALYZING HOMOGRAPHS IN ACEHNESE AND ENGLISH LANGUAGES. Getsempena English Education Journal , 4(2), 147-151.